Call for your appointment and directions to our office
Time Allotment:
Please allow about 2 ½ hours to sit down to review information crucial in getting the “big picture”. The Comprehensive Assessment can either be completed in our office or at your home (additional fees do apply). We will provide you with directions to our office when you schedule your appointment. This assessment is very informal, all we ask is that you bring along some specific items (listed below), to assist you in providing us the necessary details.
The Assessment Includes:
Collection of medical data including current medical history, past medical history, medications, care received to date, results of recent lab work or diagnostic tests, etc.
An analysis of the social situation of the client: support available, alcohol / drug history, amount and type of support needed for current care, transportation issues, ability to relate to others, family dynamics, etc.
A financial analysis of the client’s current available income and assets (to assist in determining eligibility for financial assistance, affordability of various living arrangements, etc.)
Educating the client in basic insurance information
A review of the client’s current advanced directives
Defining client and family goals
An analysis of living arrangements. Clients are informed about available resources in the community
Recommendations / Care Plans are established to meet client needs
Referrals to needed elder law attorneys and medical professionals for complex cases
List of Items/ Information Recommended for the Assessment
Date of birth
Social Security card
Health insurance cards
List of family members, addresses and phone numbers
Physicians’ names, addresses, phone numbers
Medical history
Information on recent hospital admissions
Functional abilities/ disabilities
Income/ assets summary:
Bank statements
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CD’s
Owned property / land
Vehicle information
Burial funds and or funeral contract information
Copy of the power of attorney
Copy of a trust that may include the above assets
If you cannot locate all of the above information, don’t worry! The assessment will help you outline a strategy to meet your needs. The information requested just helps us to be more specific with planning. You can always send in the information later if it is determined to be crucial.
Clients who come for a Comprehensive Assessment receive a Resource Notebook full of tools for eldercare planning that you can use independently or in coordination with our services. The notebook contains topics on Medicare Supplements, Medicare Part D, Medicaid, Medical Resources, Tools, and Advanced Directives.
We have convenient parking located in the driveway and there is street parking in front of the house.
After the Comprehensive Assessment, a written summary of findings and recommendations from the assessment are sent to the client.
Payment Options: We accept cash, checks, Visa, and MasterCard.
Call for your appointment and directions to our office