Care Management Resources & Helpful Links
Benefits, Advocacy and Information on Aging for People age 50 and over.
Alzheimer Resource Center
Resources for the Brain Bank Program, Caregiver Tips and Information, Education, Support, and Wellness Programs, as well as Referrals. Alzheimer Resource Center is a United Way Agency, serving Central Florida since 1984.
American Academy of Home Care Physicians
Website has information regarding the American Academy of Home Care physicians who make house calls, care for homebound patients, act as home health agency medical directors, or who refer patients to home care agencies.
American Eldercare
Florida provider for the Nursing Home Diversion plan and a Home Health Care
American Health Care Association
Consumer Information about Long Term Care.
Evercare is a leading provider of health plans for aging, vulnerable, disabled and chronically ill individuals.
Florida Affordable Assisted Living
Florida Affordable Assisted Living Website, a project of the Department of Elder Affairs’, is intended to serve as a comprehensive clearinghouse of information for assisted living consumers, operators, and developers.
Florida Association of Aging Service Providers
The Florida Association of Aging Services Providers (FASP) is an association of public and non-profit organizations that provide services to Florida’s elders
Florida Dept. of Elder Affairs
Website about the Aging Resource Centers, Public Guardianship Office, Consumer Resource Guide, Communities for a Lifetime, as well as numerous other links for information and referrals for older adults.
Florida Geriatric Care Managers Association
The Florida Geriatric Care Managers Association, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization of practitioners whose goal is to advance the dignified care for Florida seniors, the elderly, and their families. FGCMA is dedicated to promoting the professional field of geriatric care management by training, assisting, regulating, educating, and supporting qualified care managers who provide a full range of services to aging individuals, their families, and caregivers.
Florida Health Care Association
Contains information and links to assist consumers about selecting a nursing home or assisted living facility and in managing the transition to a new living arrangement
Gentiva Health Services
Gentiva is a single source for skilled nursing; physical, occupational, speech and neurorehabilitation services; social work; nutrition; disease management education; and help with daily living activities, as well as other therapies and services.
Geriatric Mental Health Foundation
A website devoted to raising awareness of psychiatric and mental health disorders affecting the elderly, to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and treatment, promote healthy aging strategies, and increase access to quality mental health care for the elderly
International Cemetery and Funeral Association
Directory of Cemeteries and Funeral Homes and Services
The U.S. Government site for people with Medicare.
National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers
Links to finding information about and locations on Geriatric Care Managers. Geriatric care managers work privately with older adults and their families to create a plan of care that meets the needs of the older adult. They will meet with you to help you understand your loved one’s needs and to learn what resources and options are available to meet those needs.
National Council on Aging
A national network of organizations and individuals dedicated to improving the health and independence of older persons and increasing their continuing contributions to communities, society and future generations.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
Information and Education on Palliative Care and Hospice.
National Institute on Aging
Federal information on Aging Research through the National Institute of Health.
National Kidney Foundation
A major voluntary health organization, seeks to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation.
National Parkinson Foundation
Information to educate persons with Parkinson, their caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the general public about Parkinson disease and its treatment.
National Osteoporosis Foundation
The nation’s leading voluntary health organization solely dedicated to osteoporosis and bone health.
Orange County Health Dept.
Links to health services, flu season information, as well as other community resources.
Resource Directory
State of Florida Information Portal. Includes information for visitors, Floridians, businesse/licenses, and government.
Share the Care
SHARE the CARE, Inc. is a non-profit agency in Orlando, FL that provides services and support to family caregivers, enabling them to maintain their family member at home and delay or eliminate the need for nursing home care.
Today’s Caregiver Magazine
The first national magazine dedicated to caregivers, the “Sharing Wisdom Caregivers Conferences”, and web site, which includes topic specific newsletters, online discussion lists, back issue articles of Today’s Caregiver magazine, chat rooms and an online store. Caregiver Media Group and all of its products are developed for caregivers, about caregivers and by caregivers
Veterans Administration
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs